The Biden administration supports the imposition of censorship against pro-life opinions worldwide.

The United Nations Wants a Global Digital Pact by September 2024

The Biden administration supports the imposition of censorship against pro-life opinions worldwide. The Biden administration is leading efforts to adopt and implement global censorship standards against pro-life and pro-family opinions. This is all part of the New World Order that has already been imposed in almost all of the Western world and is intended to be extended to the rest of the planet.

The process of developing digital standards to monitor, moderate, and censor online speech is being carried out under the pretext of combating "technology-facilitated gender-based violence" and is backed by more than a dozen countries.

These standards would require governments and the private sector to proactively censor criticism of gender ideology as a form of "incitement to hatred." They would also compel online platforms and internet service providers to enforce feminist orthodoxy through automated algorithms and artificial intelligence, following what is known as a "security by design" approach.

The idea for these standards was first launched at the 2022 Democracy Summit in collaboration with Denmark. The Department of State's initiative, titled the "Global Alliance for Action Against Gender-Based Online Harassment and Abuse," aims to address a wide range of behaviors, not just criminal acts against women.

"Some forms of technology-facilitated gender-based violence are criminal; others are not, but they are still harmful," according to an update on the initiative by the Department of State during the Democracy Summit.

The Department of State's website describes technology-facilitated gender-based violence as "any act committed, assisted, aggravated, or amplified by the use of information and communication technologies or other digital tools that cause or may cause harm or other violations of rights and freedoms."

The definition is broad enough to encompass any online exchange of information or opinions against abortion or promoting the protection of children in the womb, in line with the UN human rights mechanisms' definition of "gender-based violence."

Pro-Life and Gender-Based Violence

"The denial of access to abortion has been identified as a form of gender-based violence against women, which may amount to torture and/or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment," states a briefing note from the UN Human Rights Office summarizing the issue.

These standards will be funded and promoted through "rights-informed, trauma-informed, intersectional, and gender-transformative programming, focused on survivors."

They are expected to be proposed for adoption in a United Nations agreement called the Global Digital Pact, which will be approved by the General Assembly in September 2024. Google, Microsoft, Meta, and other major digital and online technology players are already collaborating with governments to develop and enforce these standards. They should be seen as part of the ongoing censorship efforts exposed by Twitter archives and are being referred to as the "Censorship Industrial Complex."

The Biden administration previously attempted and failed to include a broad definition of technology-facilitated gender-based violence in an agreement on women's education earlier this year at the UN Commission on the Status of Women. U.S. diplomats specifically called for the agreement to recognize the role of governments in directing social media and traditional media platforms to censor and moderate content based on its potential to contribute to "gender-based violence," even though such government-directed censorship is widely seen as a violation of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Despite the setback at the United Nations, at the G7 Summit held last month, the Biden administration and other Western governments committed to "redoubling efforts to coordinate approaches to preventing and responding to online harassment and abuse and technology-facilitated gender-based violence," as well as combating disinformation and misinformation under the heading of "supporting media freedom."

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